Day 9 - October 6, 2018 - Honningsvag
We arrived in Honningsvag at 11:15 and boarded the coach for a 50 minute drive to the North Cape. The weather here is crazy, snowing one minute, sunny the next, and foggy after that. Our ride took us up the mountain on very winding roads that were covered with snow. We crossed the 71st parallel on our journey to the Cape, the Northernmost point on the continent. On the way up, we stopped at a Sami Reindeer camp. The Sami people are renowned for herding reindeer, creating distinctive handicrafts (duodji) and their harmonious relationship with nature.
heading toward our tour bus
At the Sami camp
We continued up the mountain which rises for 307 meters, almost perpendicular to the Arctic Ocean. The Globe Monument Sculpture has become the iconic symbol of the North Cape. There is also a set of sculptures a bit away from the visitor’s center. A mother and child, with the child pointing to medallions. We were told the designs for the medallions were drawn by children.
At the North Cape - the weather was amazing changeable - all these photos were taken in about 20 minutes
I love how the clouds hang low and you can see through to where it's clear
At the actual furthest north point.
The clouds - and that rectangular opening to where the sky is blue
Loved this sculpture
On the way back to the ship
Back at the ship we were treated to a delicious piece of apple cake provided by our wonderful tour guide, Birgette. She also introduced us to cloudberry jam earlier today. It was delicious. The cloudberry can only be found in the wild, and it is not easy to find if one does not know where to look. A single berry grows on each stem. Since at least the Viking era, the cloudberry has been used a a universal remedy in Nordic folk medicine, thanks to its high levels of vitamins, minerals and anti-aging antioxidants. Jo and Noeleen picked some up for us while we were on our tour - I’m saving it to share at Christmas.
Unfortunately, the cruise ends tomorrow morning, so tonight we must pack. We end in Kirkenes at 9:00 and then fly to Oslo.